Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 5 - Isabella

We were so tired today after all of the activities that we decided to skip our scheduled activity, and it turned out to be the best decision we made the entire trip. The scheduled activity was suppossedly a 4 hour hike, which ended up being a 10-hour hike up a volcano, and everyone in our group came back without much good to say about it, other than - "it was long", "my feet hurt", etc.

Instead, we relaxed on the beach and read. We also sat and watched marine iguanas for much of the day. They started out on the rocks on the beach, but as the sun came out and the tide came in, they all started running up the beach towards us for cover.

We even got to see one iguana swim a little bit, which was neat. They just use their tails to swim like a snake, and the rest of their body doesn't do anything.

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