Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 6 - Isabella and Santa Cruz

We started our day today with a ride on a fisherman's boat around the lagoon in front of Isabella, where we saw lots of boobies, pelicans, sea lions, and some more penguins.



Blue footed Booby looking wistful

Pelican and Penguin hanging out together

Sea Lion snoozing with some friends

The boat then took use to "Shark Alley", which was a small island of lava rocks. There were about a billion iguanas nesting on the island, and some of them were even nesting on the trail, which made some people in our group nervous.

The shark alley was a small channel that went through the middle of the island. Unfortunately, there weren't any sharks when we were there, but we did watch some sea lions playing in the shark free waters.

After that, we snorkeled for our last time, in the lagoon. The water was pretty shallow, and even though there was coral on the ocean floor, a lot of the sand was still being stirred up, so the visibility wasn't great. However, we still got to see a lot of parrotfish, damselfish, pufferfish, and a trumpetfish. Our guide also showed us an underwater cave where a bunch of white-tip reef sharks were hanging out, so we all swam down and looked in to see them swimming around with a great sense of purpose.

After the shark cave, the two of us were floating around some coral where Yoel was showing Kate what the different fish were, and out of nowhere, we saw a small octopus walking over the top of a coral formation! The octopus was probably only a foot long at most, but it was still amazing, and the two of us just floated there watching it, and shouting to each other through our snorkels, until we lost it when it went into a kelp garden.

We then took the boat to Santa Cruz, which was our last island stop, and is also the most developed of the islands. We walked around the town of Santa Cruz, stopping at a fisherman's pier, where there were lots of pelicans and sea lions begging for some scraps (and being chased away by angry fisherman).

Afterwards, Kate went with the women in our tour group to shop for souvenirs, and the menfolk went and waited at a bar for them.

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