Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 8 - back to Quito

Today we sadly left the Galapagos. Thankfully the plane on the way back was slightly more roomy though. We got back to Quito mid-afternoon, and rested a bit, while figuring out how to pack the grossest of our clothes in the same bag, so that they wouldn't touch the rest of our clothes.

We met up with the people in our tour group for one last dinner together that night at a Mexican place. Yoel decided to order a "cerveza gigante" - the menu didn't describe how big it was, but it wasn't too expensive, so he gave it a try.

Pictured here beside regular and the usual "large" bottled beer

Yoel was already a bit woozy from all of the sun he got over the week

It turned out to be too much for him, and he enlisted some help from James to finish it off.

After dinner, we went to a casino in Quito with Sarah and James, a couple from our trip. James won a quick 20 bucks on blackjack, while Yoel eventually ended up even on roulette (after being up quite a bit at one point), and Kate and Sarah both bottomed out on roulette.

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