Friday, June 17, 2011

Japan - back to Tokyo

After our day with the monkeys in Kyoto, we went back to Tokyo for the last 2 days of our trip.

We finally found one of the beer vending machines that Kate was positive had existed when she was in Japan 10 years ago.

And then we wandered around a big park in Ueno, which included a statue of a samurai walking his dog

And some more shrines

On our way out of the park, we saw this sign, and decided to check out the place that we assumed was a pet store, to get some Japanese cat toys for Monster and Beast.

Well it turns out that the place was actually a "cat cafe", where they made us take off our shoes and put on cat themed slippers...

and then you get to drink coffee or tea and hang out with their 20+ cats!

We were there during the cats' lunch time, so we got to see them emerge from little hiding places all over the cafe.

We also went to a baseball game for the Yomiuri Giants vs the Chiba Lotte Marines.

It was much more fun than baseball usually is, mostly because both teams have huge cheering sections, and have songs that they sing for each player. It makes it more like a college basketball or football game.

Also at the game, there were "beer girls" who had to run up and down the stairs the whole time with kegs strapped to their back.

On our last day in Tokyo, we wandered around a bunch more, and went to this toy store where we got what are possibly the coolest things ever - toys with our faces!

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