Friday, June 17, 2011

Japan - kyoto monkey park

I'm only going to put some of our pictures from this place up here, and then the rest of our infinite monkey pictures in another post at the end.

This mountain is home to a group of about 150 wild Japanese Macaques. On our way up the mountain, there were a lot of warning signs about the monkeys, so we were a little worried that they might be aggressive.

And then there were just other nonsense signs.

We had a long hike up the mountain in the brutal Japan humidity, and when we were almost at the top, we finally came across some monkeys. We immediately took a picture, because we thought it might be the closest we would come to the monkeys outside.

At the very top of the mountain, there was a hut where we got to feed apple chunks and peanuts to the monkeys through a fence.

And then we just wandered around and watched the monkeys.

When this guy was drinking from the pond, all the koi swam up to him like they were greeting him.

This mother monkey brought her kid over and just sat in front of Kate for a little while before deciding to move on.

We got to watch a baby monkey playgroup for a while.

And we think we might have seen this guy learn to swim. He was very tentative at first and worked on putting one foot in at a time, before he fell in and swam to the other side of the pond.

This must have given him a bunch of confidence, because immediately after he got out of the water, he tried to mate with another monkey. Sadly for him, she wanted none of it.

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