Friday, June 17, 2011

Japan Day 3 - Nagoya monkey park part 2

Next we got to go into the squirrel monkey habitat, where we were warned that they would try to steal our glasses, ice cream, candy, and red coconut bikinis.

Here are 2 of the squirrel monkeys who came out for a peanut from the keeper.

And this one is helpfully showing us what he is called.

We then went to a baboon habitat, where we could throw food down to them, and there was a little tug of war game where you pulled on a rope, and if a baboon on the other side pulled back, he would get a treat out of a machine.

Then we went and hung out with lemurs for about an hour!

We have a bunch more pictures from the monkey park that I am going to put on their own page, since it will probably take a while to load them all.

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