Friday, June 17, 2011

Japan Day 1

We arrived in Japan and got to take the cleanest, most efficient train that we had ever been on (until we took every other train in Japan), from the airport to Tokyo.

Where we met our first cute Japanese mascots.

And then checked into our hotel and slept for like 14 hours.

We also met our first awesome Japanese toilet, complete with bidet. I still don't understand what the difference is between the setting that has water spraying at a person's butt, and the setting where it is just a picture of a butt.

When we woke up, we took the morning of our first day to walk around Akihabara, which is the "geek district", filled with electronics stores and comic shops, etc.

While there, we went to an arcade that had 2 full floors of the crane game! Unfortunately we weren't able to win anything.

We also visited another fixture of that neighborhood, the "maid cafe". Essentially these are places where you go have lunch served to you by girls dressed up in maid costumes who speak in cutesy voices. This is ostensibly for the dorky boys that go there, but in ours there were mostly older men. Our maid did draw a nice picture for Kate in her omelet though.

And then Kate got her picture taken with one of the maids. She wanted me to get one too, but I figured I would probably be put on a sex offenders list if we ever showed it to anyone, so I opted out.

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