Friday, June 17, 2011

Japan Day 3 - Nagoya monkey park

On Thursday, we headed to Nagoya, where the Magic tournament was being held. We got to ride on a bullet train on all of our inter-city trips, which was really nice.

When we got to Nagoya, we checked into our hotel, and then immediately headed out for Inuyama, which was kind of a neigboring town to Nagoya. On our way there, we got on a slightly incorrect train, which was annoying, but finally got to our destination: the Japan Monkey Centre. The Japan Monkey Centre is a big primate research facility, and they have established a zoo and amusement park around the primates that they have for their research. The biggest draw to this place is that there are a few habitats that you can actually walk through with the monkeys.

The first monkey habitat we came to was for some siamangs. We could walk out onto a little peninsula, and watch all of the siamangs, across a moat.

They also had a bridge over our walkway that they could use, and this little guy stopped right over our walkway and peed, and then just watched us.

This siamang here decided that he was in love with Kate. He followed her up and down the bank of the moat, wherever she walked, and one time actually put his foot into the water, which made all of the other monkeys shriek at him. We're pretty sure they were reminding him that he can't swim.

The next habitat was for Japanese Macaques, and here I am very sad that we didn't know how to use the video option on our camera yet. You could buy little cups of food to throw to the macaques, and many of them would sit there clapping for food. The second they saw us with the cup that the food comes in a bunch sat up and started clapping for it.

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